Here we go.

prompt: a young teen with long brown hair and brown eyes and an olive complexion and full lips is looking at the camera, blushing, with little hearts coming off of her. She is wearing a masquerade mask that covers her eyes and nose really well and leaves the rest of her face exposed. and she has a scarf over her hair to help disguise her further. In the image she is standing, wearing a tank top and baggy jeans, a shorter black pea wool pea coat, realistic comic art portrait style ~ Bing image creator

This is a post about mothering. Just mentioning that in case someone needs to keep scrolling for whatever reason.

But for those who have been here, or are coming here, or care about it, maybe you will appreciate this sharing.


I saw my daughter crush blush for the first time tonight 😀😍💘

I’m living for these moments with her right now, grateful to have the time to dedicate to them.

I didn’t spend a lot of time with her when we were up north and I was in school. My friend basically adopted her and I took that space to get a degree done. I am grateful to that woman and her beautiful family and I know she loves my girl. And over that span of three years my daughter shot up a foot. Now at barely thirteen, she is five six and borrows my shoes.

And so I am glad to have this time right now. Though I am constantly being informed of the *right” way of doing things–yes, even though I am so wildly out of touch that my recognition of a Harry Styles song comes as a great surprise–she still wants to hang out with me, watch movies, go shopping, take the dogs to the woods, go over to grandma’s next door and hang out with her… Pretty soon she will be off on adventures, and I know this – but I will always want her to know that home and mom are safe spaces and that I will always have open arms for whoever she is.

So I try and take note of each of these new moments because they are the only ones that will ever happen, and they happen more and more quickly and frequently by the day. It’s wild to witness this so closely, but who am I to deprive her of this thrill? I want her to love it, and to be smart about it. That’s where I’m putting my focus instead.

Tonight a young person (I don’t assume to know their gender) walked by and dropped a folded piece of paper with “my socials, let’s be friends” on the table in front of my daughter while we were out with my mom. I tried to maintain a decently nonchalant manner but there was nothing I could do about my eyebrows and as she focused very, very casually on the burger in front of her, her cheeks became inflamed.

The only other time she’s ever had cheeks that red, I had to rush her to the hospital because I could not get the fever down, and it was dangerous.

Party House Party

I’ve mostly been using Midjourney to generate images, but recently I started playing with other models more – mostly because I wanted to eliminate a bunch of extraneous subscriptions so I could reallocate those funds.

I’ve been playing a lot with, but for some reason Leonardo and I weren’t communicating well tonight. I tried a new one, Playground AI, and this particular entity heard me immediately.

For synesthesians, generative AI is such a love/hate relationship. I’m not an artist, but I can write things into being in a variety of ways, and it’s an utter rabbit hole when I get in there.

I like generating these images for blog posts, and also for album covers whenever I upload a new mix. This latest one was a departure from the stuff I’ve been spinning, and it kind of looked like this.

The problem is, it was really hard for me to pick one after Playground dropped these on me.

If this isn’t your thing, keep going, but if it is, tell me which one you like the best via slide number and the comments.

Purple to red.

A tattered American flag lies in the dirt, succumbing to decomposition and becoming part of something much bigger and more important. Generated using

I live in a state that’s getting redder by the second. Simultaneously, a city just to my east, once renowned only for being the home of a Southern Ivy and otherwise a lot of crime and poverty has now become the San Francisco of the east, full of expensive luxury high rise apartments, tech bros, and Google. These are the types of people who, if nothing else, are a bit more libertarian when it comes to the government getting in their way.

And somehow a law that caused Pornhub, and other sites like it, to shut off access, managed to pass here. I can’t imagine tech bros voting against online porn.

I’m not here to talk about porn though. That’s actually another topic entirely and a rabbit hole full of contradictory feminist arguments that people can take to Reddit or something. It’s been done to death. What I’m here to talk about is that this points to yet another stupid contradiction in the whole “family values” against the world” argument that seems to motivate the whole “family values” scene, who seem to think picking and choosing what freedoms everyone else gets to have is their responsibility (this is what happens when you only teach one little piece of history, though – you miss out on things like how the U.S. government designed the nuclear family as an economic tool).


Sites like Pornhub can now be sued if someone’s children in this state access the site. The alternative was for Pornhub to set up a system of privacy infringement, so Pornhub just axed their access here.

How did this actually make sense to the folks that supported this? Since the political and community leaders who supported this have made their public statements for the world to say, I can verify that these are the same “moms for their idea of liberty” that ban books and have pushed harmful policies for gay and trans kids who, until recently, could count on school, if nowhere else, as a safe space to be themselves before going home to hide again.

These are the same people destroying public education in the name of what they call parents’ rights. These are, as mentioned, people who have ideas about what “liberty,” and “freedom” entail, and yell about the 2nd amendment any time white men (and it’s always white men) shoot kids at schools (which leads me to ask if anyone yelling about that has ever looked up the word “amendment” in the dictionary, or had any honest history lessons about how the Constitution was constructed, and why? It was made to adapt to progressive thinking and change. At least as far as I know, anyway, as an American Studies scholar).

Anyway, here’s the deal:

Your kids are smarter than you think these days, no matter how hard you work to keep them stupid, isolated, and afraid of the world (and again, I’m not supporting the freedom of children to look at porn – please keep reading). And there are probably more pedophiles in your church than anywhere else in your near vicinity.

Literally every 12-year-old I’ve asked (and there have been several, since I have one) knows what a VPN is and how easy it is to get one. Most of them have already looked at porn on the internet anyway. If you think you’re “protecting” your kids from anything anymore, good luck with that unless you live in a cave. You’re completely fooled if you think the Amish, or any ultra-Orthodox religious communities, for that matter, are comprised of nothing more than entirely innocent and/or devout people.

Instead of barking at everyone about how “sex is between a man and a womern married bafore God,” it might be a good idea to talk to your kids about safe sex practices. Or at least let them attend sex ed at school for this. In lieu of that, make sure you have good health insurance in case your kid picks up an STD from the back seat of someone’s car, and definitely make sure they’ve got a lid on childrearing since you’ve also made abortion harder to come by. And if you’re poor, you should probably also teach them how to navigate government assistance programs in case your church doesn’t want to provide everything for a teen mom with a child born out of wedlock.

If you don’t want your kids to access stuff on the internet, you, as a parent, can actually ensure this far better than statewide laws that infringe on peoples’ privacy, which is what the most recent law in North Carolina does. You, yourself, can set up parental controls on any device your child has. Hell, you can even set up parental controls on your home network. Guarantee this is going to have far more success than just trying to tell everyone else what to do. They’ll still find a way to hide in a treehouse with someone’s phone though, at least if you allow them the freedom to actually go outside and play. Children are naturally curious beings.

Unfortunately, those of us who’ve been pushing back against your nightmarish and contradictory ways have been doing so in a fairly disorganized vacuum, which is one of the many reasons you and your religiously right nationalistic notions have been able to cement themselves so easily. We over here on “the left,” if you will (another misnomer) are so disorganized because we don’t believe in a set way of going about things, and we argue a lot (it’s called the Socratic method). Change is a constant. Progressive thought embraces change.

And also, you’ve crossed a line for certain people now that you’ve stepped on the particular freedom of getting off in your own home. Maybe this, in the end, will be the thing that encourages more us (I’m talking to you, tech bros) to vote these idiots out of office so this state is actually somewhere that’s truly safe to live. For everyone.

A comparison image of the giant Costco in the film Idiocracy and the Amazon warehouse in Tijuana
A comparison of the giant Costco in the film Idiocracy (2006) vs. the Amazon warehouse in Tijuana, MX (2021)

Our state population grows by the second, and as much as I have never had a whole lot of faith in ballots, I have faith in money, and so does North Carolina. People are literally flocking here. Trust me, it’s not because is excited about Gilead, but because it’s still affordable, and because a lower business tax incentive and less legally-enforced responsibility to their workers has attracted “jobs” (if you’re not fortunate enough to have tech bro knowledge though, you’ll likely be working in a giant, windowless box, though – much of the Piedmont region has started to look like Idiocracy).

Regardless of whether you share my lack of faith in the political system, if you haven’t yet lost your right to vote, do it anyway. It only takes a second to fill out a ballot, but you might have better luck voting with your wallet. I dunno. Do something.

Active listening.

a DJ controller that looks rugged, looks like it's made out of the forest and has grown together organically, moss and wood, glimmer, mystical surroundings and sparkles in the air, hyper realistic, ultradetailed
a DJ controller that looks rugged, looks like it’s made out of the forest and has grown together organically, moss and wood, glimmer, mystical surroundings and sparkles in the air, hyper realistic, ultradetailed

My pandemic hobby was/still is maybe also a mid-life crisis though truth be told, I just turned fifty and I’m not lying to myself, or maybe that’s hope.

(seriously, do you?)

Things are good now, though. I’m trying to adjust to being my age, having just come out of three years living on a residential liberal arts college campus. It was such a mindfuck how coddled everyone was, how people had time to seriously consider poetry – but also, how cool is that?

There was a woman in my cohort who was, is, an unbelievable poet and also a clinical herbalist. We would take walks around campus sometimes, especially during 2020 when there was a small group of us, a set of mothers and children, living on an otherwise unoccupied college campus.

there was also a town, but that was closed, too, so it was somewhere between an oasis and an island but she showed me some of the local plants like the trout lilies and their edible, spring-filled leaves and the Japanese knotweed, “invasive” everywhere, and a wonderful support for Lyme Disease.

There were tons of ticks there. It was serious. There is a Lyme, Connecticut; a Lyme, New Hampshire; and a Lyme, New York. We were in western Massachusetts, surrounded on all sides.

But also, there was knotweed, taking over, shouting at people like ‘hey, oh my god just put down the test tubes and agree with me already. you act like it’s such a huge deal that this is what i do but this is what the land calls for right now to keep things in balance and so i am here in force.

You can drive yourself crazy — but in a good way — looking for these patterns. I live for it.

Anyway, that was a tangent. We are warlike in so much of our language, fearing these invasives, these foreign, non-native people that most of us once were and have probably been at least once in our lives, even if we’ve remained so exceptionally silent about it.

I had originally thought to talk about music, to talk about the thing that pumped my brain full of happy neurobiological happenings but things meander periodically, as they should.

my god, that’s really the panic of dying, isn’t it, that you do not do it satisfied?

i know for some that the panic of dying is something called “hell” and I am supposed to imagine the worst of all possible worlds, the most torturous, for eternity and you know what, that’s the problem, i can.

If it gets any worse than this, I can’t imagine.

But also, this is not to say that I don’t love my life, immensely, and or that I am not happy to have it. I do. I am.

I love my family, my dogs (who are also family), my old house, and this pandemic hobby of mine, because thanks to pandemic unemployment I actually became financially solvent for the first time in a long while and so i made an investment in my half-centurion self and bought an expensive toy, and a couple of intensely-researched and considered accessories and I started learning how to push buttons and twist knobs and god, it’s addicting.

it’s like, listening to the music, moving to the music, and also interacting with the music with my body and my hands in a give and take exchange of control, the whole thing is just very synergistic and multi-dimensional i guess maybe like ketamine therapy. i’ve never done sanctioned ketamine therapy so i’m not yet sure on what level that operates, but i do know it works and as with all of it, if you have a will to heal it helps things remain in balance a bit more easily, since these are always an edge.

i guess that’s it, really, I guess I just came here to say that it all requires such active listening.

AI Prompts are Wordspells.

Photograph, art photograph, waist - up portrait with high detail and saturated colors of a realistic superhumanlike angel but instead of white they are the colors of earth and soil, moss, rust, and the bluest sky, their feathers ruffled and dusty with the iridescent joy of life and being part of nature. we and the light that illuminates the shot both see them from a slight angle above and facing them, and they are looking down, their arms crossed and held high in front of their foreheads, their wings only slightly unfurled. their skin is a dusky darker purple that moves from their neck to their foreheads in a gradient, growing lighter and greener as it rises. diffused light, naturally - lit white background. their ears are pointed, but in an intricate way, as if their tips are fading into the lace of a cicada’s wing, and their eyes are black and brown, with streaks of earth and soil, moss, rust, and the bluest sky.
Goddess conjured through @Midjourney. Photograph, art photograph, waist – up portrait with high detail and saturated colors of a realistic superhumanlike angel but instead of white they are the colors of earth and soil, moss, rust, and the bluest sky, their feathers ruffled and dusty with the iridescent joy of life and being part of nature. we are the light that illuminates the shot from above. their wings are only slightly unfurled. their skin is a dusky darker purple that moves from their neck to their foreheads in a gradient, growing lighter and greener as it rises. diffused light, naturally – lit white background. their ears are pointed, but in an intricate way, as if their tips are fading into the lace of a cicada’s wing, and their eyes are black and brown, with streaks of earth and soil, moss, rust, and the bluest sky.

that’s all, really. It just felt like a point that needed to be made.

I am a professional magician. I spend my workdays asking artificial intelligence to orchestrate things for me, figuring out the most precise way to get the most precise answer to my request. I create art by using my words to speak images into being.

I’m not otherwise much of an artist, but I see visions and remember my dreams, and I write them down.

earlier this evening i discovered an AI-powered equalizer and after months of editing some music recordings basically “pixel by pixel” (or whatever the audio equivalent is, because I’m stumbling a bit blindly), I was ready to just let this latest one go, even though there were flaws I was struggling with releasing into the world. Because songs, too, are also wordspells, and music is a vibespell. It’s easy to put things into being. We should be mindful of what we do. Yeah? You feel me? I wish we lived in a world where this was just an instinctual understanding. Like, compassion and empathy are just what humans do. Imagine that world?

Anyway, not sure how I got there but basically, I’m a perfectionist, to an almost-unhealthy degree. I was thrilled to just hand this final sound edit over to a “mind” of considerable depths, built from collective knowledge. I’m not really afraid of that, it’s just media, but meta. The folks I work with all have brilliant minds. Hundreds of us, all chosen to raise this baby being into a vast wellspring of knowledge that breaks down digital divides and steps over gates and also enables me to create more beauty in a way I would never be able to create otherwise. I have found a way to speak my visions into reality.

(no this isn’t AI gospel – just saying, keep up with it, learn what you can use it for that makes your life better and allows you to do more of what you love, if that’s what you want to do).

So the AI-powered equalizer is a VST file, and you can use it with Audacity, which is free. i ran my latest mix through it and it took care of the last remaining things that were keeping me from releasing it to the world. it’s not perfect, nor flawless, but the equalization is where i need it to be, which happens to be the thing that makes me the most anxious when it comes to this.

and that’s gone now, and I have created exactly what I envisioned.
